Decadent Swiss Chocolate Mousse and Raspberry Coulis



  1. Mix Eggs and sugar in a double boiler until combined.
  2. move to a mixer and whip together till it becomes fluffy and you can form peaks
  3. melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler until you have a liquid consistency turn off the heat and fold in the chocolate to the eggs and sugar. Folding is a slower process than mixing as you want to make sure you have an airy and fluffy mousse.
  4. lastly once combined fold in the vodka and place the mousse in desired mold or cups. (Champagne flutes are a cute touch.)


For the Raspberry Coulis

  1. strain powdered sugar over the raspberries in a bowl.
  2. add lime juice and mix together.Place the raspberry mix over the mousse and enjoy!Recipe by Chef Vadivel Raju



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